Whether you are a broker or a health plan with your own book of business or an individual wellness consultant who needs a technical platform to do the heavy lifting, we can help!
Standing out with distinction in the marketplace is essential for your success. Our platform allows companies to create tailored branding options with company logos, URLS, and customized demographics to guide comprehensive programs, outcome measures and reporting options for both the user & the administrator.
Embedded measurement and communication tools focus on biometric data, risk stratification and care management of individuals and groups. Web-supported personal and group coaching, education, care planning and guided discussions, help change and manage chronic illness.
Provide a value added service such as health coaching or wellness program management. We handle the technology and you handle being an expert in employee wellness.
Any proprietary programs/products can be customized for web distribution. Because the company is totally self-owned and integrated, all work is done internally, drastically reducing time-to-market as well as cost for customization.
Relationships with local Community Partners can personalize each shared offering site, assuring their own identity and relevance to the community they support. This will promote a growth in adoption by potential future clients in the area.
Robust data capture, coupled with reporting in real time and over time, makes FitThumb a frequently used framework for formal research as well as policy-based projects.
We love to show our customers the power of our corporate wellness portal.
Feel free to schedule a demo and phone consultation today.