The FitThumb Portal offers a vast array of educational offerings on key topic areas that are central to great health and avoidance of debilitating chronic disease. Research shows that adults and small children share one thing in common - a short attention span! There is so much competing for our time and attention that if we need more than 10 minutes to complete the task, it will not get done. Micro-learning - based on Adult Learning Principles - is the best way (our way) to educate a busy adult!
Built in personal assessment, current information and easy-to-adopt guiding road maps for change are all key elements provided in our classes. Users gain personal insight as they discover their own unique health beliefs and current life patterns, while gaining new understanding that leads to better behavioral choices & balanced living going forward.
Monthly on-line classes are offered in multiple topic areas focused on physical and emotional health:
Nutrition Classes increase recognition of dietary patterns & selection of healthy alternatives that are reinforced through guided nutrition tracking. Class examples include:
Life Management Classes explore the impact of relationships, finances, time, etc. on health. Learning focuses on strengthening problem solving and creativity skills, which are reinforced through practical on-line application exercises. Class examples include:
NEW CLASS SERIES: FOCUS - Diseases of the 21st Century- While disease has historically been focused on the body and external world, modern diseases have moved inside in our fast-paced and highly connected life. Depression, addiction, autoimmune disease and mental illness are the result of life challenges experienced in our relationships, our world, and within ourselves as stress crowds every corner of our life. This series targets contemporary health challenges in areas of stress, energy and life-balance. Class examples include:
Each educational offering has been carefully crafted by experts in the field; Exercise Physiologists, MD's, Advanced Practice Nurses, Dieticians, etc. Assessments, health-promoting strategies and benchmarks are based on national standards - always guiding you to the latest evidence-based research.
FitThumb offers a large library of classes to choose from. Based on the needs/interests of your employees, you can create an annual educational agenda and calendar that is seamlessly sent out monthly, based on your strategic plan.
Classes are: brief (10 minutes or less); based on personal interests/needs (each class filled with multiple personal assessments & immediate feedback); understandable (written for many educational levels); engaging (varied learning style activities); with take away guidelines (next step guide shows the way forward) - the course design for our virtual classroom.
Not all rewards are sugar-based! You can have your cake and eat it too….virtually, by completing each class. FitThumb will track the number of people who accept your invitation - with one additional measure. You will also know who completed the task at hand.
We love to show our customers the power of our corporate wellness portal.
Feel free to schedule a demo and phone consultation today.