Featured Customizations - Yearly Team Challenges

Yearly Team Challenges

Many groups approach us wanting to use our portal features for running and administering a short term team challenge for several months. By adjusting our pricing model into a 1 time yearly fee for these projects, we've made it more affordable for groups of all shapes and sizes to run these on our platform. Below are a few exampes of the ways we've customize our system to provide this type of service.

University Client needing to integrate points into their team accomplishments.

FitThumb modified our platform to allow a university client to track points along with our standard leaderboard functions. Leaderboards track team progress in near real time, however a requirement was to have mini-challenges throughout the challenge which allowed team captains to submit 'points' to be tracked along with the team.

Fitthumb created an easy to use administrative interface to allow site admins to upload those points to the teams. Once the challenge was completed, those team points were converted to individual points and inserted into the user's account.

Locations challenge within the challenge

An organization wished to run a 6 week team challenge with members from around the world. The caveot is that not only did they want to track teams through the challenge but they also wanted to run a seconday challenge at the same time that totalled up steps by location, to allow the locations to compete with one another. We included locations in the steps challenge leaderboard to allow near real time visibility into the location's progress.

8 Week Steps Challenge with a little time off for spring break

Another university approached us with a unique set of requirements for their challenge. They wanted to do a 8 week steps challenge, but needed to remove one of the weeks because their faculty and graduate students would be on spring break. By utilizing a 'snapshot' model, we were able to accomplish this function by doing two things. Snapshotting the data on the following monday of every week so that users could not back-date their exercise data. We also programmed the challenge to skip over a week and not include that break week in the final calculations. Once the challenge was complete, we were able to provide reporting and insight into the team progress throughout the challenge while the client handled the rewards and ceremony.

Yearly challenges can be unique and varied from organization to organiztion. We love being able to tweak our system in ways to make your team challenge requirements a reality. Contact us today for more information.

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